Poti II


Batumi II Breakout
Model of 1974
  • Poti II
  • Poti II
  • Poti II


While Batumi II is a complete device incorporating the controls previously handled by the original Poti, we decided to offer a new optional expander to include a new set of features that didn’t fit in the already tight 10hp. Poti II adds the ability to attenuate voltages and signals, select the ASGN waveform on each channel and modulate the waveform shapes with CV.

For installation guide please refer to the manual.

  • Per-channel I/O attenuation
  • Per-channel shape modulation inputs, switchable destination
  • 4hp wide, 32mm deep (including the ribbon cable)
  • Current drawn from Batumi II: +10mA/-0mA

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